Is it important for in-home care providers to belong to the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (or NAHC)? | Very important | 44% | Somewhat important | 33% | Not important | 11% | Not sure | 11% | | | Question: Is it important for in-home care providers to belong to the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (or NAHC)? Top Answer (44% of 18 votes): Very important.
Answer: Not sure Explanation: I need to do more research on this association to answer the question efficiently. | Connecting Family Legacy | Answer: Very important Explanation: It will be a benefit to caregivers, and family members all over the United States or just in the state itself to be on one page with rules and regulations of home care. This will also benefit everyone with keeping up with the new technology this is being provided each year for home care. | Angels of Compassion Home Care, LLC | Answer: Somewhat important Explanation: We partner with Hospice providers and work with them on training techniques to support care. Because we are non medical home care providers, it is somewhat important to below to this association. Our home office represents all offices in this association and helps to pass the information. | ComForCare Home Care | | ProMatcher | Answer: Very important Explanation: Agencies are able to credit themselves by belonging to such a wonderful organization. | At Home Special Care LLC | Answer: Not important Explanation: Top notch care is the main focus, not group membership. | Active at Home Helpers | Answer: Somewhat important Explanation: Geri-Care Connections is a nurse's registry and we work privately. Not all home care is part of NAHC. | Geri Care Connection LLC |